Monday, November 11, 2013

Who we are....

We are Cass and Rose, founders of C.R.Woolie.  We basically started 'by accident.'  Friends for a long time (our 30-something daughters went to elementary school together), Cass asked Rose, an avid knitter, to teach her how to knit.  One afternoon, Cass arrived at Rose's house for her first lesson.  On the kitchen table, Cass saw a stocking that Rose had made after mistakenly washing a wool sweater.  To which Cass exclaims, "I don't want to knit....I want to do THAT!" And C.R.Woolie was born.

We love 'the hunt' for wool....we find it everywhere - consignment stores, discount stores, in our own closets, old sweaters, new sweaters, sweaters that our children discarded long ago - and we see potential in each item.  Our mission, and our passion, is not to recycle, but to 'up-cycle.'  We transform that ugly holiday sweater into mittens, scarves, stockings, and much more.  In our hunt for wool, we are also on the look-out for vintage accessories and buttons to accent our creations.  We get joy from things like finding a huge shoe-box full of buttons at a garage sale, knowing what we will do with these buttons.

We are thrilled for you to join us, and follow along as we continue to re-purpose and re-invent wool!
Part of our button collection.  We use vintage and modern buttons to accent our creations.

Carefully 'deconstructing' cashmere sweaters.

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