Sunday, August 31, 2014


We know we all were so worried about us!  Worried we have been in a dungeon sewing mittens, scarves, and whatnot for the past however many months.  And the answer is yes, yes we have been. 

Kidding!  We have been enjoying grandchildren, sun, and a small amount of wine since you last heard from us!  But, now that winter is once again upon us, we are dedicated to getting C.R.Woolie's inventory back up to par....and it is coming along splendidly! 

Here is a sneak peek of what we have been working on....

We are excited with the new mittens and scarves that we have been working on.  And there is plenty more where these came from!  Keep checking back to see all the exciting wool accessories we are creating to make your winter season warm and original!